In 2023, FRANMAX launched the SAP Academy, a three-month refresher course, funded by the company, for people with little or no IT experience. The Academy provided an opportunity to acquire knowledge and competences in working with the SAP enterprise business management system. The number of applicants for the course exceeded initial expectations, with almost 150 people applying. Of these, 20 people from different backgrounds were able to complete the Academy, becoming the first academics to graduate from the programme. After the Academy, five participants joined FRANMAX in early 2024.
We are pleased to have programmes and initiatives within our Group to promote education. One of the oldest scholarship programmes in Lithuania is Lietuvos Maximalistai. In 2023, as many as 120 of the most talented students took part in the programme and received a monthly scholarship for the entire 2023-2024 school year. A total of €110, 000 was allocated to the programme for 2023. In the 21 years of the programme’s existence, more than 1,000 children of employees have already received scholarships, totalling more than €700,000 for the whole year 2023. Our other Baltic companies also have a similar scholarship programme for children of employees.